Online Services
The Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court is pleased to offer a variety of services to our customers online. Our online services range from making online payments to searching court case information to initiating a marriage license application. All of our online services are designed to respect our customers' time and expense by reducing or eliminating the need to make a trip to the courthouse during regular working hours. Our online services can be used at a time and place that is most convenient for you.
Attention Courts E-Filing Registered Users:
EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20, 2022: All users of the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal are required to designate whether case-initiating documents contain confidential information when filing Circuit Civil (CA), County Civil (CC) and Small Claims (SC) cases. This is a result of the recent order in federal Case No.: 4:22cv106-MW/MAF. An email has been sent to all registered users of the E-Filing Portal and can be viewed in the Newsfeed Section once signed in. Filers will now be prompted to select one of three options on the Documents page to denote the filing as containing no confidential information or is accompanied by a Notice of Confidential Information or Motion to Determine Confidentiality.
EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 29, 2022: Filers will no longer receive a PDF document(s) attached to the E-service Notification of Electronic Filing (NEF). You will receive a link in the NEF to the document(s) submitted. That link will be available for seven days (excluding weekends) after the filing is accepted by the Clerk or abandoned. Documents may be located in the My Cases page after the link has expired.
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