Colonneso steps into vice president position for Florida Clerks Association
Angel Colonneso, the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, was recently elected and sworn in as the vice president for the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers and to the Executive Council of the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation at its summer 2019 conference from June 25 – 27, 2019.
In her role as vice president, Colonneso and the 15-member board are responsible for establishing administrative, financial, personnel and related policies of the finances of the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers, the statewide, nonprofit member association comprised of the Florida Clerks of the Circuit Court and Comptrollers.
She was appointed by Florida Senate President Bill Galvano to serve on the Executive Council of the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation with nine other council members, who will discuss and make decisions regarding Clerks of Court Operation Corporation business and budgetary matters. Her two-year term as a Senate appointee begins immediately and ends April 10, 2021.
She will also serve on the Executive Committee, a five-member committee that provides ongoing oversight of the business and program policies and operations and assist with the association’s budget and personnel committees. Colonneso previously held the position of treasurer and secretary for the organization.
“I have been honored to serve this organization for the last two years and to work with the 68 Clerks and Comptrollers throughout the state to serve our citizens,” said Colonneso.
The three-day conference, held in Orlando, incorporated training sessions on public records requests, technology, electronic filing, audits, data extraction and analysis tools, among other topics.
“This conference is a time when we all can come together and learn a multitude of topics that each office deals with on a daily basis and keep up to date with the latest changes in the laws and any new duties that may have been designated,” added Colonneso.
Six other personnel from the office of the Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller presented at or attended various sessions during the conference.
Established in 1969, the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers provides local government support services, technical assistance and accreditation opportunities for all members of the association. For more information, visit www.flclerks.com.
About the Manatee County Clerk of the Court
The Florida Constitution established the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller as a public trustee, independently elected to protect public funds and public records while executing the functions of Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Comptroller, Treasurer and Auditor, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and County Recorder. The Clerk oversees a staff of more than 275 people, responsible for performing nearly 1,000 constitutional or statutory functions or duties, representing the broadest and most diverse mantle of responsibility of any locally elected official. The citizens of Manatee County elect the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller to a four-year term. Currently, Angelina M. Colonneso serves as the Clerk of the Court. For more information, call 941-749-1800 or visit www.ManateeClerk.com.